Guerrilla Marketing With Unconventional Results
When someone sets out to open a traditional brick and mortar store, it can be pretty obvious what marketing strategies will need to be used to get customers talking about and shopping in the store. When you own an online business that doesn't have a physical destination, it can be a little trickier deciding between all the different ways you can market it to your target audience.
If you are a new and fairly small internet based company, the chances are that your available time and budget are probably pretty small as well, which doesn't leave a lot of clear direction for how you should go about marketing yourself. If you feel creative and really want to generate some interest about your product or service, you should definitely consider guerrilla marketing as one of your strategies.
If you're not familiar with the term guerrilla marketing, then you should know that it simply refers to a method of orchestrating unusual promotional tactics that cost you more in time and innovation than in actual money. When a company plans to execute a marketing strategy of this style, the tactic is unexpected and usually a huge attention grabber. These kinds of marketing techniques make use of public spaces, props, high energy and viral publicity to make the experience memorable and interesting.
If your company is considering employing guerrilla marketing, it is best to devise an event or happening that will attract the most attention from a diverse audience. Product demonstrations and giveaways in unexpected locations are always a good way to attract attention and hype in an inexpensive way. Some marketing campaigns of this type have even been orchestrated for different digital and mobile technologies for an even more immersive user experience.
Any guerrilla marketing strategy must have as its goal to emerge from the experience with a stronger more personal relationship between business and consumer. The potential customer should observe the tactic and feel like the business has demonstrated a new way in which it fits within the personality and lifestyle of the viewer. One of the most important elements to include in a marketing strategy like this is a strongly branded message that will resonate with the potential customer for a long time after they have been exposed to the tactic. Make sure all supporting props and collateral reinforces the message of the product or company mission, so that people will be able to relay the message to others.
Take a tip from an experienced guerrilla marketer. Most business people get so involved in their businesses that they start forgetting that people are not just leads, but they are people like anyone else out there. If you do not take the time needed to come up with something fun and creative that will catch their attention, then you may as well give up trying as they will not even notice you or what you have to offer.
After all, you are dealing and communicating with human beings who thrive on something humorous. So be fair, helpful and make them laugh whenever possible. This will mean so much for your business and is part of what we guerrilla marketers stand for. Even though helping others cannot always be free, the fact remains that guerrilla marketing tactics are often times open to you for very little money.
Creating a meme or cartoon character that resembles what you stand for is a very innovative way to create a brand awareness and get a smile on people's dial everywhere. All it takes is a little thinking out of the box and some creativity, and wham! Very soon you will have all sorts of visitors flooding towards you as they see you as another human and not just another business out to make money. I learned to apply this one guerrilla marketing strategy very early on in my successful online career.
In order to pull this off, you need to have a knowledge of your market. From the moment you set up your business to researching what your target market would value, you need to buy out the time needed as a guerrilla marketer yourself to evaluate what it is they want. Having a thorough knowledge of the market you are targeting is invaluable and crucial to the survival of your business in the future.
Once you have a true picture of your customer base, you would be able to successfully assess the viability of your business, and guard against the temptation to just push ahead. Therefore, you should take the time needed to carry out an in-depth search and analyse the results. You will soon discover if what you are hoping to achieve will indeed be possible or not.
One such guerrilla marketing technique would be the ability to identify your target market based on your products or services. For instance, who would you be selling to, their age, marital status, sex, income and lifestyle, should you be selling to individuals. If you want to target businesses, then you need to know the size, service requirements and their product buying habits. As stated in the beginning, try and differentiate yourself from what others do and make your offer irresistible by creating a meme of fun character when you are promoting your brand.
Never underestimate the power of joint ventures as a guerrilla marketing tactic of note. Doing so will allow you to share various marketing materials, lists and even offer special promotions on bundled products or services. Forming a partnership with another business owner who has the same interests as you, but without becoming competitive is the way some guerrilla marketers operate these days.
This is especially useful if you can tap into various resources and utilize the brain power of other powerful guerrilla marketers who like you think outside the box. Just think about it. It is a case of the one hand washing the other. Have you ever heard someone say "You wash my back, and I will wash yours" Giving a hand to other marketers by means of a joint venture is one way of branching out and reaching other horizons where you get to tap into their list of followers who may very well be interested in what you have to offer them.
What is more, an effective guerrilla marketing technique would be to feature links to one another's webpages and mark it as related info or similar to this or the other product or service, and doing so on your homepage. This is powerful, and not something to be sneered at. You could label this type of information under a section called partners. It will show your visitors that you are supportive to other ventures and care about people in general.
On the other hand, you will be able to get a much need cash injection without worrying about how you are going to manage your marketing budget. When involved in any form of marketing which include guerrilla marketing, there is always a need which you have to fill from time to time.
What is more, the joint venture partners are often experienced in their respective niches, and have the ability to show you how you can avoid common pitfalls that is associated with marketing in the business world On the upside, you may find that guerrilla marketing strategies cost you just about nothing. The downside however is that may not be as successful as you hoped you would be. This will mean you have to start spending some advertising dollars to push your visitors in the right direction. As this requires capital, making use of joint ventures may just be your best way forward.
You need to remember that your online business is exactly the same as any offline business would be. Utilizing the power of joint ventures to give your business the boost it needs might not be such a bad idea after all.
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